Dear iQuoteM,
It has been so beneficial for my business using iQuoteM for the last 12 months. i have been able to manage my clientele much more effectively, and have access to their information at my fingertips.
The most impressive bit for me, is that it allows me to be more professional to my clients needs. The fact an email is sent to the client automatically, when making a quote, along with notes in your calender for reminders. It allows me to have more time in the day to get work done, that would be otherwise spent typing out quotes and emails.
I would recommend iQuoteM to all sorts of businesses,tradesmen in particular. Sometimes, tradies get a bad wrap, as their time management skills fall short on book work. iQuoteM can keep a database of all their clients in one spot and do the job of a secretary that some tradies may have previously needed, saving them time and money, and giving them that professional edge.
Nigel Puckeridge
nigel@paperock.com.au / 0407 945 820